‘Soul Talk’ with Rabbi David Aaron, hosted by Leorah Mandel.
Rabbi David Aaron www.RabbiDavidAaron.com is a spiritual visionary and master educator who has invested over 4 decades delving into life’s BIGGEST question marks and sharing Torah’s transformational wisdom with adults and young adults. He has emerged as the ‘God expert’ simply because he has dared to ask and answer the most difficult questions that he/all people have and/or struggle with about God’s existence and their own.
Leora Mandel is a teacher, therapist wife and mother of three. She was trained as a Professional Counselor and Marriage and Family Therapist in the U.S and has been enriched through her experience working with individuals, couples and families.
In addition to helping people empower their lives through the therapeutic process, Leora has a passion for teaching Torah in a way that both elucidates the text and most importantly, gives tools on how to apply Torah lessons to practically change lives for the better.
We all have an inner critic. That voice inside our head that likes to put us down, tells us what we do wrong an makes us feel lousy. Sometimes our inner critic can be so …Keep Reading!
Jealousy is a negative trait that is a part of all human experience. It is so negative that it makes it into the 10 commandments. What is it about this trait that entraps us and …Keep Reading!
Chanukah is the holiday where we celebrate miracles. The light illuminating the darkness. This holiday always carries special meaning, but seems to be especially important during our times. What is the message of miracles that …Keep Reading!
Most of us recognize the destructive nature of criticism and ongoing complaints yet find it hard to stop the onslaught. Why is it so hard to stop criticizing and complaining? What steps can one take …Keep Reading!
G-d speaks to us on a global and individual level. Sometimes we are aware that G-d is sending us a message. It’s often clear when something unusual happens or a pattern that might repeat itself …Keep Reading!
“Life is Scary” is a line I’ve heard a lot lately. There is a lot to be afraid of. No one knows for certain what the future holds and that everything will be “ok.” What …Keep Reading!
There are some life challenges that are a passing stage and having the fortitude to wait out the storm is what’s required for my survival. But some challenges in life are here to stay. I …Keep Reading!
When we go through troubling and painful times, it can be hard to feel G-d’s love. When I act in ways that don’t make me feel good about myself, it’s hard to believe that G-d …Keep Reading!
At the core of Rosh HaShannah is examining our relationship with G-d. During this time of year, the prayers refer to G-d as our Father, King, Lover, Judge. These are all expressions of different aspects …Keep Reading!
Any important event requires preparation. The more important the event, the greater the preparation. We are in the month leading up to Rosh HaShanah–the new year. How are we to engage in the lead up …Keep Reading!