Known for her no-nonsense straight shooting, Tamar Yonah brings fire to the mic as well as passion and humor.
Tamar Yonah is the daughter of a Holocaust survivor. Her father survived the Nazi brutalities and after liberation, made his way to the shores of the British Palestine Mandate where again fighting for his survival, fought in Israel’s war of Independence. This made a great impression on her life and she too has been fighting for Israel by serving in the Israeli army & air force, and afterwards by becoming an activist for Israel and the Jewish nation. She has been a vocal beacon of light since beginning a prolific career in radio. She hosted “The Tamar Yonah Show” – Israel’s most popular English language radio talk show for a decade. She has worked in radio for over 18 years, including Radio West and Israel National Radio. You can reach her at:
On this show, Tamar’s guest exposes the ugly side of what may be happening behind the scenes as Israel is forced into a never-ending war. Also, the manipulation of seeing images of the freed kidnapped …Keep Reading!
On this show, Tamar speaks with Yehezkel Laing (Lavie) on his new book: ‘The Jewish Conspiracy – Discovering the Common Hebrew Origins of the World’s Diverse Civilizations’ Do Jews run the world? Japan & Judaism, …Keep Reading!
Throughout history, we’ve seen that evil alliances must be confronted and defeated to ensure that peaceful people can live in freedom and safety. On today’s show, Tamar Yonah tackles the issues with Israel Ellis, author …Keep Reading!
War has come to Israel’s south, north, east, and now, even Turkey has entered the fray! What does this have to do with the war of Gog & Magog, the Messianic era and the End …Keep Reading!
On this show: Tamar speaks with Bruce Brill, a former NSA analyst in the Middle East department. He uncovered a secret ‘Jew Room’ from his time working there, and subsequently wrote the book, “Deceit of …Keep Reading!
On this show, Tamar speaks with Josh Wander from on the war fronts of Israel and a new player on the battlefield! PLUS, the Hanukkah miracles we are seeing today! Israel News Talk Radio · Chanukah …Keep Reading!
On this show: * The New ME * War & the results * Interim results -with guest: Dr. Mordechai Ben-Menachem, commentator on mid-east and world issues, and author of the book: Muslim Winter Israel …Keep Reading!
On this show: How did it happen, that in less than 2 weeks, Assad’s Syria has fallen? Who are the players? And what is Turkey’s agenda? What about Syria’s chemical weapons? Also, who will be …Keep Reading!
On this show: * A very heated debate takes place on the air as the Cease-fire with the Hezbollah is argued. Also, Lebanon is not Lebanon & Hezbollah is not Lebanon? * What unites Russia, …Keep Reading!
On this show: * Over 200 rockets and missiles are launched into Israeli cities by the Hezbollah, wounding at least 8 people and causing fires and destroying cars & buildings. These hits that included the …Keep Reading!