Walter brings you voices and commentary from on the ground in Israel.
Walter Bingham is a veteran Journalist and Broadcaster. He holds a BA in Politics and Philosophy and a Post- Graduate degree in Political Philosophy. Before making Aliyah in 2004, he had a long career in radio broadcasting in the UK , where he had his own show. He also acted in several films. Walter has entered his 101st year of life and lives an exciting life in Israel. He officially holds both Guinness world records as the oldest working talk-show host AND the oldest active journalist in the world. He presents ‘The Walter Bingham File’ here on every Tuesday at 4 pm Israel time, 2pm UK time, 9am Eastern (U.S.) time, and 1am in Melbourne. His other show ‘Walter’s World’ can be heard on Israel National Radio or from any podcast platform.
Empires came and empires went, each with their antisemitic periods, originally induced by the church, like the massacre in York England in 1190 or the expulsion of Jews by K King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella …Keep Reading!
Hear: How water played a part in the creation of the world and subsequently in biblical times. Even the ancient sailors, surrounded by water, had a ‘water’ problem. Today In the era of environmental studies …Keep Reading!
Oi, the agony – oi, the ecstasy! best describes the American post-election mood. Will President elect Trump be able to maintain his previously demonstrated unconditional support for Israel in this radicalised world climate? And more. …Keep Reading!
How the hostage demonstrators are misguided Gazan civilians are enemies and the South Lebanese population is cared for by Hezbollah and supports them. Why the present American Ambassador to Israel is not welcome here. What …Keep Reading!
My: Life in an age of irrational contradictions How: We are influenced by our environment and social media and often make the wrong choices. The: Second time in my life that I experienced violent antisemitism …Keep Reading!
The Walter Bingham File 03SEPT2024 – PODCAST Israel News Talk Radio · 03SEPT2024 – The Walter Bingham File CLICK HERE FOR ALL THE LATEST EDITIONS OF THE WALTER BINGHAM FILE Show airs: Tuesdays: 9am ET / 4pm …Keep Reading!
Another: Lesser-Known Form Of Antisemitism. How The Episcopal Church Describes Itself As The Successor To The Covenant Of Mount Sinai. Hear: The Interview with the Former Bishop of Jerusalem. A Typical “Palestinian” Hate Speech. Also: …Keep Reading!
God works in mysterious ways Israel News Talk Radio · Trump for President – The Walter Bingham File CLICK HERE FOR ALL THE LATEST EDITIONS OF THE WALTER BINGHAM FILE Show airs: Tuesdays: 9am ET / 4pm …Keep Reading!
313: Families are mourning their loved ones since October 7, The heroes who fell in the defence of our country., and the whole country feels their pain. The: Almost inevitable is still before us It: …Keep Reading!
WhY: Internal strife helps the enemy. IT’s: Military Alliance with the US, but doubtful friendship. How: Germany’s proposal for Gaza is reminiscent of 2005 and its consequences. The: International Court Of Justice and their fallacious …Keep Reading!