‘The Jewish Nation – Going Nowhere Fast. The Torah Solution’. …and yes, it has EVERYTHING to do with hastening of the coming of the Moshiach/Messiah. Two rabbis share the opinion that its time to be a REAL LIGHT UNTO THE NATIONS. BUT HOW DO WE GO ABOUT IT? -This, is where they differ.
(To watch video, click on the image below the text)
-with guests:
Rabbi David Bar Hayim, Head of the Shiloh Institute for the research and dissemination of the TORAH of the Land of Israel. He has written a document with the idea of forming a successful Rabbinic ‘community’ in preparing the way to establish all that is needed for the Nation of Israel to enter the Messianic age that many believe we are in. You can visit his website at: Machonshilo.org
Rabbi Yosef Edery, originally from Crown Heights Brooklyn NY, now living in the Golan Heights in Israel. He is the Founder of Moshiach News Global, which is working to forming a nascent Sanhedrin, and providing assistance to the Nation of Israel in preparation for the coming of the Messiah. You can visit his website at: www.mnglobal.org
Episode: 09 Solomon’s Sword 08FEB2022
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