March 2018
Cultured Pork & Colonoscopies – Israel On My Mind [audio] ?
In this show, Ross and Jono discuss some interesting archaeological finds by Dr. Eilat Mazar. These include some 2,000-year-old Jewish coins and a seal that some believe belonged to the Biblical Prophet Isaiah. They also …Keep Reading!
Rules For The Living and The Fight to bring Jews Home – From Jerusalem With Love [audio] ?
The bible tells us how to live life so why don’t we just listen? Also Orly interviews MK Avraham Neguise from the Likud who is an activist for the Falash Mura community in Ethiopia and …Keep Reading!
Pesach, Israels Hope For The Nations – Beyond The Matrix [audio] ?
Why do many so many struggling ethnic groups have an infinity towards Israel? Discover the connection of Israels exodus to the common struggle of mankind to find liberation and peace. Join Rod Bryant and Jerry …Keep Reading!
Matzah and Mayhem! – Pull Up A Chair [audio] ?
Dust off the old Haggadah and join Andrea for a fresh look at the Exodus from Egypt. Also, Joanna Shebson of “Fun in Jerusalem” shares some of exciting events taking place during the intermediate days. …Keep Reading!
Liberate Art and Israel in Africa – A Hebrew In The Heartland [audio] ?
Today David will be speaking with Hollywood liaison and expert of cultural boycott Lana Melman. She has launched a platform dedicated to confronting a well oiled campaign of harassment of artists and performers who wish …Keep Reading!
The Messiah & This Passover, Are We Now Seeing The End? – The Tamar Yonah Show [audio] ?
Major news events are happening faster and faster and on a critical level, seemingly propelling us to the Messianic age. Will we see ‘redemption’ soon, or what Jews call the ‘Geula’? Rabbi Pinchas Winston from …Keep Reading!
It’s A Win – Win! – The Danger Zone [audio] ?
For those that remember Gadi did a show in Sept of last year, “HR McMaster Fox In The Hen House?” That show was all the reasons that HR McMaster needed to be fired from …Keep Reading!
Freedom From— Freedom To: Discovering Our Higher Power – Soul Talk [audio] ?
G-d brought the Jewish nation out of Egypt with wonders and miracles. Yet, why did we have to go through so many years of slavery in the first place? In our own lives, we thank …Keep Reading!
Israel is EXPLODING in GROWTH, While the Western World Declines. – The Tamar Yonah Show [audio] ?
Passover, signifying Freedom, Springtime and Re-birth! What better time to speak about the future of Israel! + John Bolton’s appointment as the US National Security Adviser This is a GOOD NEWS SHOW! – with guest, …Keep Reading!