An Assumption of Dignity

June 1, 2019 0

By Tabitha Korol   Rashida Tlaib, the Muslim congresswoman who proclaimed that she feels more Palestinian than American in Congress, and wrapped herself in a Palestinian terrorist flag at her victory party on Friday, May 10, proudly …Keep Reading!

When the clocks strike 13

May 16, 2019 0

By Tabitha Korol “It was a cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen.”  Thus began George Orwell’s prophetic novel, 1984, written forty years earlier, preparing the reader for a dystopian future under socialism – a society …Keep Reading!

The Defrauded Friar

April 22, 2018 0

By Tabitha Korol Fr. Michael Calabria, a Franciscan Friar of Holy Name Province, is director of the Center for Arab and Islamic Studies at St. Bonaventure University.  His extensive travels throughout the Islamic world and the …Keep Reading!

It’s A Win – Win! – The Danger Zone [audio] ?

March 26, 2018 2

For those that remember Gadi did a show in Sept of last year, “HR McMaster Fox In The Hen House?” That show was all the reasons that HR McMaster needed to be fired from …Keep Reading!

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