Honesty in Politics Is Political Suicide?

September 20, 2023 0

(SCROLL DOWN to watch video, click on the image BELOW) Is there honesty in politics? Moshe Feiglin, from www.IsraelTomorrow.co.il is a Jewish activist and former Knesset member in the Likud political party. He talks to Tamar Yonah about …Keep Reading!

The Secret Jew Room

August 16, 2023 0

(To watch video, click on the image BELOW) He was a U.S. Intelligence Analyst in the NSA with rooms off limits to him, even though he had Top Secret Clearance. The reason? – because he …Keep Reading!

“Your Doctor is a Liar”

July 28, 2023 0

Can you trust your doctor? Can you trust ‘The Science’? What if you learned that the Medical System looks at you as a product, rather than as a person? What if their policy is to …Keep Reading!

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