Are China and the US Really Enemies? If so, then why is the US collaborating with the development of Chinese biological weapons?
Why is the US collaborating with the development of Chinese biological weapons? …Keep Reading!
Why is the US collaborating with the development of Chinese biological weapons? …Keep Reading!
Orly speaks with Holocaust survivor Samuel Schlesinger on his experiences and his view of today’s antisemitism. Also Orly brings on Roei Kashi who is running for the Likud party to talks to us about the …Keep Reading!
Israel exists in a tough neighborhood with neighbors who gas their own people with chemical weapons in Syria, and Arab Nazi sympathisers who are trying to break through the border from Gaza into Israel with …Keep Reading!
Orly brings on Radio Veteran Keven Cohen from The Point 100.7FM to get his take on the current affairs in the united states and its relationships abroad with a focus On the future of the …Keep Reading!
For those that remember Gadi did a show in Sept of last year, “HR McMaster Fox In The Hen House?” That show was all the reasons that HR McMaster needed to be fired from …Keep Reading!
Obama’s legacy is enabling Iran to represent a real danger to Western Civilization The Jay Shapiro Show 22March2018 – PODCAST CLICK HERE FOR ALL THE LATEST EDITIONS OF THE JAY SHAPIRO SHOW Show airs: Tuesdays: 9am …Keep Reading!
Governments and politicians are lying to you. But what’s worse is that those that were hired to keep you safe are following suit. When ‘counter terror’ experts will argue that terror has nothing to do …Keep Reading!
The annual AIPAC Israeli lobby meeting is a time for soul searching. The Jay Shapiro Show 8March2018 – PODCAST CLICK HERE FOR ALL THE LATEST EDITIONS OF THE JAY SHAPIRO SHOW Show airs: Tuesdays: 9am ET / …Keep Reading!
Ari yells wake up call to all the left wing liberals. Plus Ari touches up on the relations between Reform and orthodox Judaism here in Israel. BULLETPROOF 4March2018 – PODCAST CLICK HERE FOR ALL THE LATEST EDITIONS …Keep Reading!
Will this new peace plan from Washington be accepted by, not only the Palestinian Authority, but by the wider Arab and Islamic world? – with guests Dr. Mordechai Ben-Menachem & Shifra Hoffman. CLICK HERE FOR ALL THE …Keep Reading!
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