Political Hitman – What Do You Do When An Arab Tells You To Take Your Yalmuke Off? [audio] ?

photo credit Idobi wiki commons

Howie was confronted by an Arab at Concordia University in Montreal and told to take his Yalmuke off. How did he react?

Also, remembering Shimon Peres z’l

Political Hitman 28Sept2016 – PODCAST
Photo credit: Idobi wiki commons


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3 Comments on Political Hitman – What Do You Do When An Arab Tells You To Take Your Yalmuke Off? [audio] ?

  1. JDL has self defense lessons and teaches Jews to be proud. The JDL is not a “has been” organisation nor a “violent group”. I believe your words are totally irresponsible and you should get to know the JDL personally before making very ignorant statements.

    I was happily listening to your show but you have totally turned me off your 2 bit show by your JDL rant.

    • Hey Rob,

      Getting insulting is not really the way to start a friendly discussion. I’ll ignore the insult and address your issue.

      First off, The JDL became a has been organization after Irv Rubin, a personal friend, got arrested (rightly or wrongly) and murdered. After that, the JDL descended into infighting, break off branches unrelated to each other and lawsuits. It is a shadow of what it used to be.

      The JDL concept, forwarded by Rabbi Kahane z’l was a Jewish fist used with a Jewish head. The JDL of today has forgotten that lesson.

      Perhaps some self evaluation and changes to their operation will allow the organization to grow and regain its former glory, but that’s unlikely to happen.

      I wish you and your family a Shannah Tova u’metukah

  2. Howie the answer to your question is: no you should not have physically confronted him. Like me, you’re probably not a ‘hothead’ young man anymore. Nevertheless, you were right that you should stand your ground.
    Back in 1987 or 88 I had a confrontation on a New York State University campus at a college that was probably at least 35% Jewish with the Arab Student Union henchman in the Student Union building who baited me trying to get me to hit him after a verbal confrontation. One of my friends who was a Puerto Rican hot head guy himself whispered behind my ear ‘Ezra it’s not worth getting kicked out of school’ over and I backed down without hitting the guy and left. Guaranteed if that Arab punk had made the first move I would have slammed him with all my strength but it never came to that. Our job now is convince the younger Jews of North America to stand their ground at least, and physical confrontation only as a last resort. Wishing you and your family a Shana Tova Umatukah

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